

Mar 19

I Am Tama, Lucky Cat

So, if you follow me on Twitter (which you should!!!) you probably noticed this tweet, a few weeks back:
Just read a galley of “Tama, the Lucky Cat” to be published by @PeachtreePub – absolutely gorgeous!!!!! :):):)

It was through this really cool service, Netgalley where people in the book business (reviewers, book sellers, etc.) have a chance to read early editions so that we can write reviews. Since I review (not much, but I want to do more!) and work in a bookstore (The school Bookstore!) I decided to sign up.

You go and request various titles, and the first one that I got accepted into reading was I Am Tama, Lucky Cat by Wendy Henrichs, illustrated by Yoshiko Jaeggi.

It is at this point that I encourage you to look to the left, and see the cover on the Amazon listing. There’s your first taste of this piece of beauty.

It’s based on a Japanese legend, where a cat finds a broken down temple. He lives with the priest there, and they’re quite content. However, one rainy day, the cat goes outside and sits on the porch. Up comes a samurai, who upon seeing the temple, decides he’d be happier (and drier!) staying under a tree.

Tama, as he had been christened, raised his paw up, beckoning the samurai and his horse forward. The samurai comes forward, and right then, lightning strikes the tree and a huge branch falls down – right where the samurai had been.

In essence, Tama saved this samurai’s life. In thanks, the samurai restored the temple and helped it to prosper.

The writing is gorgeous, and the illustrations complement it PERFECTLY. I’m no art guy, but I’m pretty sure they are watercolors, and each page is full of this full-color, gorgeous pictures. I’d post more from the book, but I’m not sure if it’s legal. You’ll just have to wait ’til August to see them!

Yeah, we’re going to have to wait until August for the book to come out, but you’re welcome to pre-order on Amazon. Link’s above :)

But continuing on, each page is full of these spreads, picturing each sentence, bringing each and every line to life. And it all fits under the Japanese legend. When the lightning strikes, it’s said to be thrown by two Gods in the sky, and we’re shown pictures of these gholish characters.

It’s being published by Peachtree Publishers and is due out on August 1, 2011. Tweet at them and let them know you’re looking forward to it! :) They replied to me!

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  1. Updates in the red moon world » aRedMoon

    [...] what type of books? Galleys! Remember way back when (like, last year) when I did that review of I Am Tama, Lucky Cat? Well, it’s the same service and I’ve got a number of novels that I’ve got [...]

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