

Nov 14

Today in Percy Jackson

Well, first off, I added a new story to my list of Percy/Nico fics :) The last one, Sometimes, My Life Just Sucks. Also, if you haven’t already, you really need to read The Ties that Bind!!! The latest chapter is quite enthralling.

Hmm, I came across another fansite to watch – Percy Quest.

Someone posted a clean copy of the 1st book cover here. Which is pretty awesome.

And speaking of the 1st book, the new edition of Lightning Thief has some pretty pictures in it. You can see them here.

We got a full and pretty picture-filled cast list here, so check it out. The casting for the Gods is pretty epic. :D

And cabinthree LJ members, you’ll want to read this. I can’t post it here cuz it’s FLocked, but it involves a scene in the movie. THAT SHOULD NOT BE THERE.

…and I’ll end this with a poem about Nico. Black as Night, Sweet as Sin. An excellent description of what it’d be like to kiss Nico. Mmhmm.

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