

Jan 16

Trailors #whohasafingclue

So another few trailers. Has a few new scenes, including Logan holding a trident made out of water. Coolio.

For those that are interested, cabinthree has pics from the Borders talks. And videos. You know where to go.

So, from Rick’s blog… a class in Minneapolis was reading the books, and I guess they made t-shirts. So they get to be demigods of the week. I want to be part of that class. xD

Also, I picked up a copy of the Ultimate Guide. I haven’t read much of it… but it’s not the most interesting book out there. :\ Then again, I’ve only read the section about Percy. It really is what it says to be – a guide, not a storybook.

Comes with some cards and it’s pretty damn cool. ♥

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