

Feb 03

Busy day for me

So I went on a mini-roadtrip to Duluth today… it’s a bigger town about 3 hours away. GORGEOUS area. Lake Superior is absolutely breathtaking.

Anyways, then I came home and did fansubbing. Finished up Haruhi-chan 01 for Shamisen, and then did episode 2 for QC. Sent out a memo to the encoder to please fix the audio lag…

Then moved over to DATS. Did Weiss Survive R 1-6. X__X I retimed 1-3 cuz it looked like it was bad timing, but it actually wasn’t… so 4-6 I just shifted. They’re now in QC, so I hope to put them out in the next day or so as soon as encoder does his job. Woot woot woot.

…and of course, with all of this, nearly forgot today’s chapter. But I got it done and you can see it here. Go me.

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