

Mar 10

Songs for a Teenage Nomad

So, here’s my first review in quite awhile: Songs of a Teenage Nomad by Kim Culbertson.

First off, if you don’t like music, don’t even bother. If you like music, it’s okay. If you LOVE music, especially older stuff, you’ll get an amazing kick out of the book.

The book centers around a girl, Calle. She lives with her mother and Boyfriend/Husband of the Week. They’ve moved more times than Calle can talk, and it’s always after the guy breaks her mom’s heart.

This time she’s moved to a spot where she actually finds some friends that seem worth keeping. She fits into the drama clique; she’s helping to build the set (eventually earning title, I believe, of Assistant Stage Manager) and just getting to know the guys and gals.

The book revolves around Calle’s interactions with her mother – why do they have to move so much? What’s so wrong with her that all the guys leave? – interactions with her friends – what do you do when your friend likes you, and you don’t like him back? – and then with the other oddball guys. You have Sam, the jock who is more than he seems. (Possibly) And Cass, this rather bitchy type girl, who might have a bit of a heart.

Calle wraps this all together in her journal, which is how each chapter begins. She keeps a song journal, in which she writes down a song and then what was happening when she heard it. So, when she hears the song again, she’ll be reminded.

That’s the key music part of it. Each chapter has this song, and it’s kind of an overbearing theme. So, if you’re into older music, you’ll really be able to appreciate it. If you’re not so much, but you at least *know* them, like me, it’s a nice little extra.

So, yeah – go grab it. :) I’ll give it a 3.5/5!

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