Category Archive: Percy Jackson

Jan 26

Percy Jackson movie is on it’s way!

The insane amount of stupid interviews continues to roll in… (yeah, I’m tired of ‘em)

So I fight back by adding a countdown to the sidebar :D ONLY 16 DAYS AND 23 HOURS!!


Anyways, added a new story to the Percy/Nico List. Cute, and I liked the style. It’s one of those stories where each “scene” or section has it’s own header. I need to find the term for that style.

Some hawt cast pics here. Logan really is cute, I have to say.

Then MortalNet has some “inside” info on what’s happening with the next Egypt Series, The Red Pyramid. Interesting, I guess. Looks like it’ll be a long book. Oh. Fucking. Joy.

And since I already gave you guys a hawt pic of Justin earlier, here’s a recipe for 5 minute chocolate cake.

Jan 23

Moar Percy

We got moar Percy for you.

MortalNet found a possible cover of the DVD. Probably fake since it’s so early, but who knows? Fox is doing some weird marketting for it.

They also got a couple new shots of the Gods in poster form… I’ve lost count of how many posters there are. Cabinthree has it with text.

Target’s got the previews for the soundtrack here.

And then there’s been a shitload of videos and previews and interviews and stuff, but it’s pretty much all the same footage as before, and I don’t really care about the interviews with the cast. If you wanna read up on those, cabinthree has them all.

Jan 19

Two more translations, Percy/Nico update

So I dunno why but I am ttly in a translating mood tonight (well, today I guess… it’s 4:30am)

I translated two more of the HSM:ED songs, Actuar, Bailar, Cantar and El Verano Terminó.

I also updated the Percy/Nico list with 3 more stories that I found on ffn ♥ It’s also been renamed “A List of Percy/Nico Love” but I’ve left the url the same for those that possibly bookmarked it.

I also did some general housekeeping around the blog… I updated the book I’m reading, got rid of the NaNo thing and took the silly TweetMeme thingy off some of the pages (I have to use a custom field, whatever the fuck that is)

But I think that’s about it. There’s a poll on Shamisen about Bieber’s Baby. Lemme know whatcha think. I’ll leave you with some Bieber here.

Jan 16

Trailors #whohasafingclue

So another few trailers. Has a few new scenes, including Logan holding a trident made out of water. Coolio.

For those that are interested, cabinthree has pics from the Borders talks. And videos. You know where to go.

So, from Rick’s blog… a class in Minneapolis was reading the books, and I guess they made t-shirts. So they get to be demigods of the week. I want to be part of that class. xD

Also, I picked up a copy of the Ultimate Guide. I haven’t read much of it… but it’s not the most interesting book out there. :\ Then again, I’ve only read the section about Percy. It really is what it says to be – a guide, not a storybook.

Comes with some cards and it’s pretty damn cool. ♥

Jan 15

Some quick Percy updates

So my life isn’t entirely over. The nice people at Hot Topic will refund my entire $25 and let me keep the t-shirt! Plus they asked for my address and will send me a signed poster! :D So awesome.

The movie has been officially rated PG. Woot.

If you care, the cover for The Red Pyramid has been announced.

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This’ll be the new series he’s writing, about Egyptian mythology. Of course, I’ll pick it up. :)

Pics of the meeting in San Fransisco. I would have gotten to meet them :(((((( (and a other post)

And finally, bigger versions of posters.

Jan 13

The latest in PJO

So my life just took a big downturn.

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That serious sucks. Why the fuck did they cancel it? :( They don’t give a reason on the website

Anyways, the news continues to roll in as Rick plows through the first book of the new series, and the movie is nearing release…

“Fox 2000′s “Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief” moved up three spots to steal third place. Fantasy pic nearly doubled its view count with a 94% increase for a total of 444,582 views with five weeks until release.source

And uh, Logan got a spotlight in a teen girl magazine. Read it here. Note how they spell Daniel Radcliffe’s name…

Then there’s another new poster, which you can see here. Stars Percy, like normal.

I’m super upset about it being cancelled. I guess I need to go get my refund… but I’d like to keep the shirt. :(

The movie soundtrack has been announced.

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1. Prelude
2. The Minotaur
3. Chiron
4. Victory
5. The Fury
6. Dyslexia
7. The Hydra
8. Medusa
9. Son of Poseidon
10. The Parthenon
11. Hollywood
12. Lost Souls
13. Fighting Luke, Pt. 1
14. Fighting Luke, Pt. 2
15. Hades
16. Mount Olympus
17. Poseidon
18. Homecoming
You can preorder it on Amazon :D

And to wrap things up, a Percy/Nico fanmix! (Fanmix is a mix CD that is supposed to fit the mood/coupling) You can see it here. I’ll be getting it… and adding to the Percy/Nico page. :-)

Jan 09

Movie and book and game


It’s hot. ♥ I’m wearing it now.

The Ultimate Guide comes out later this month. Rick tells us what it’s about here.

A preview vid for the game. I’ll be getting it, it’s my type of game. :D

Jan 06

A Monthly Dosage of PJO

So I was gone for a month (almost, 3 days short) so I have a lot of cabinthree entires to look through. D:

Logan got a spotlight shot in Vanity Fair. He’s very pretty. :-D Pic here. And then the gallery can be seen on their website.

If you didn’t know, there are now big display thingys in movie theaters. You can see a pic of the PJO one with a click. I saw one when i went to see a movie earlier this month. ♥!!!!!

Hot Topic put out a hawt PJO t-shirt… view it here. (More on Hot Topic & t-shirts later on :D)

There are two DS games coming out… read about them on mortalnet

There are apparently PERCY CUPS.

…INTERLUDE… wtf, cabinthree is banning fanfic posts and doing weekly things? Bullllllllllllll… I have to say that cabinthree is kinda a dictatorship of the worst kind. *end interlude*

..another hot topic t-shirt

Yet another trailer. Do all movies have this many trailers? x.X (and there is also a new tv spot)

Movie Posters
dos (mexican poster :D)
(for non-text versions of 3-7, click here)



Yes, yes, yes, I shall be there!!!! I need to go down there like, Friday, to buy my t-shirt <3

Dec 08

A bit of Percy Jackson stuff

So if you don’t follow @mortalnet on Twitter, I suggest you do. A decent way of keeping up with PJO information.

First off, someone posted some nice HQ images in cabinthree, so check ‘em out. (You gotta be a member of the community to see it)

I think I may be printing some of those out :-)

Swiss Poster
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I’m not so sure I like the change of title here. I’m not so sure it works well…

In my last post, I talked about a fic called The Boy on the Cloud, right? Well, a sequel has been started and you can see it here.

And finally, pjo_fic_battle has a Christmas challenge starting up.

Dec 06

Percy/Nico update

So I’ve updated the Percy/Nico list, with two little shorts. There’s this kink request on LJ, and both of them come from that. Short little things ♥

I also want to mention this story – The Boy on the Cloud. It’s a nice… reflective piece (until you get to the sex scene) and it’s rather cute. I’d recommend it, only takes a few minutes. :)

(If you’re into smut, I suggest reading some of the other stories too ♥ There’s some great smut, including an awesome Percy/Nico/Annabeth/Rachel one…)

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