

Jan 30

I’m famous on twitter?

Wow, in the past two days, two of the big twitter accounts have mentioned me.

@HarryPotterFilm Congrats to our winners, @AdorkablyAngie, @aredmoon, @HPfan21 and @Elmo33! Winners, please send us your email addresses.
(Over 55,000 followers)

Because I won the contest. :D
@aRedMoon @HarryPotterFilm I’d probably be a Hufflepuff, because I’m one of those that Helga would just take, cuz no one else was interested :P

@Anime @aredmoon doesn’t like our “Spam tweets” (not sure if he means the “word from our sponsors,” or the tease tweets), what do you think?
(Over 2,000 followers)

Because I complained about their “Sponsor” shit.
@aRedMoon@Anime Not cool. Spam tweets are not cool at all.

So I posted this just now…
@aRedMoonOh wow, @anime noticed my grr at spam tweets. XD @anime I meant the “Words from our sponsors” which is lame. I follow for news, not adverts

The funny thing is that I don’t even follow @anime… XD;

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