Category Archive: VideOftheDay

Nov 07

Stopping VOtD

Well, I’ve decided to scrap the idea. It lasted less than a week, but I was already getting bored of it. Not to mention that it’s kinda hard to find interesting videos every day that aren’t all music videos.

…or from failblog :-)

Nov 04

VideOftheDay November 4th – Saturn Commercial

With the [relatively] news of Saturn closing down, I couldn’t help but think of this recent commercial.

It makes me kinda sad that so many companies are cutting back and closing down because of the recession. My mom, who cleans houses, has been losing clients… and a few of my extended family members have lost their jobs too.

I think the entire world should have just taken a 10% paycut, and everyone kept their jobs :-) Would’ve been much more productive.

Nov 03

VideOftheDay November 3rd – Granny Win

So, for today I’ll give you a classic. Granny vs car. And who wins?

I’ll admit something here – I’m not a fan of old people. I know they’re all sweet and stuff… sometimes. But I work retail, and there is one day that I just HATE. Senior Day. I don’t know if it’s just the area that I work in, or maybe it’s just my luck, but I always seem to get grumpy old people that whine and complain about Senior Day.

The most common problem is that we only offer it one day. Uh, it’s Senior Day. Be glad you’re getting any discount at all!!!

My availability actually has me as being unavailable on senior days. I’m just that awesome.

Disclaimer: I do not hate all old people. There are lots of old people that I love. It’s just… maybe it’s old people in retail. I didn’t grow to hate old people until I started in retail. At the park, I loved old people…

Nov 02

VideOftheDay November 2nd

So, today was kinda a depressing day for me. So, I’ll give you a funny movie to laugh to!

I’m sure most of you have already seen this, the whole six that visit on a daily basis, but hey – it’s awesome. :)

Nov 01

VideOftheDay November 1st

Sorry I’m late. x.x Work was supposed to be super easy, but well, it wasn’t.

Today I give you a guy singing a cover of Taylor Swift’s Love Story. I love the song – I’m a romantic at heart, and the guy’s version is just as nice. :)

Not to mention that the singer is something to look at too~ :3

Oct 31

VideOftheDay Oct 31st – Cirque du Freak Trailer

I’m gonna try this – bear with me – as I try and post a video each day :) Will be completely random, and just for fun ^^;

I’ll start off my VideOftheDay (cool title, no?) with the most recent Vampire movie to hit the big screen – Cirque du Freak. Perfect for Halloween, eh? :P

I actually saw this today (well, it was the 30th, but whatever) and really enjoyed it. You’ll find Cirque du Freak appear on my “Now Reading” section pretty quick. The character development really sucked (and I mean really) but it had the action that I was dying for, and there are… VAMPIRES! I absolutely love vampires.

Warning: Spoilers start here. I’m not gonna give away the ending, but if you want to see it, I tell how it all gets set up, and it will kinda ruin the surprise.

We start off at Darren’s funeral. But he’s not quite dead. He’s playing on his cellphone as the dirt is piled on his coffin. …wtf, right?

Okay, so what it’s about – basically, Darren is a goody-good, and his BFF Steve is bad-boy. The movie starts out with Steve convincing Darren to skip class, and they break lights. Darren gets in trouble, parents go psycho (he’s ruining his life by hanging out with Steve) and they ground him for 2 months. Not to mention that they say he can’t hang around with Steve anymore. So Steve went from BFF to Secret BFF. Poor guy.

But they are given a poster for a freak circus in town – the Cirque du Freak – and decide to sneak out to see it. And here’s where it gets interesting. One of the performers is a vampire and has this awesome spider. Darren loves spiders, Steve loves vampires. So when Darren goes to steal the spider (!) Steve asks vampire to turn him – and is turned down.

Darren sees all this, but gets away with the spider anyways. So when he brings the lovely thing to school, and Steve sees… well, it all goes down the shitter. Steve gets bitten by highly poisonous spider, and the only way the Big Bad Vampire will give Darren the antidote is if he agrees to go half-vampire himself, and become an assistant (hence “The Vampire’s Assistant as this movie’s title). Well, Darren goes for it…

And then, it’s full circle – time to die. Now the fun begins.